UTD Longboard Club Branding, Sponsorship Campaign
I refreshed the University of Texas at Dallas Longboard Club in order to capture more sponsorships in the upcoming year.
The refresh consisted of creating a logo, website, social media campaign, and a sponsorship package (included custom UTD LBC decals, and sponsorship information)
The results: The University of Texas at Dallas Longboard Club is now the most sponsored longboard club in all of North America. Thanks to the website and sponsorship package the club was able to secure over $9,000 in sponsorship and are getting requests for new sponsors weekly.
Goal 1: Create a relevant brand that is positioned around safe skating and an openness to riding styles.
Goal 2: Create a brand that sponsors want to endorse.
Goal 3: Create a partnership with the sponsors rather than just recieving gear. We wanted to create relationships with our partners that help our scene grow and puts money in their pocket.
Main focal point of the logo is the helmet representing the club's emphasis on safety. The two different longboards in the background represent the different style of longboards and the club's openess to different riding styles.

The website is fully responsive and is designed around the logo. Due to the club's dominance in racing, the first parallax slider the viewer sees is one of the members racing in Canada in full protective gear.

Our sponsorship request package was built around a wonderfully crafted and entertaining cover letter.

Over 50 hours of cutting decals for potential sponsors.

The above image is just one of the many fantastic responses we have recieved from sponsors.

Fun fact: We shot images of all the members for the site, but also edited all the images for people to use whether or not it was for their facebook profile pic or a picture for their moms. The members loved it and it helped spread club awareness.
Thanks for checking out my project!